Cash 2008

click for a bigger one

earlncash 009.jpg (159571 bytes)
"My friend Earl."

earlncash 010.jpg (194509 bytes)

earlncash 013.jpg (183406 bytes)

earlncash 029.jpg (275010 bytes)

earlncash 036.jpg (218763 bytes)

earlncash 048.jpg (174846 bytes)

earlncash 050.jpg (147984 bytes)

furn4 026.jpg (149222 bytes)
"I love Aunt Julie's truck!"

furniture 012.jpg (130243 bytes)

stuff4 054.jpg (135035 bytes)
"Do I have a big head?"
stuff4 055.jpg (108280 bytes) party 149.jpg (118223 bytes)
party 053.jpg (101574 bytes)
"This is what happens when 
I refuse to move while the bed 
sheets are being changed."
party 002.jpg (131912 bytes)
Sleeping IN the laundry basket.
Do you think he wants 
to be washed?
mars 006.jpg (250776 bytes)
"Mommy save me!"
stuff4 079.jpg (234071 bytes)
Lounging in the hammock 
with Aunt Julie.
MemDayParty 096.jpg (195293 bytes) stuff11 001.jpg (137896 bytes)
"Hanging out at the bar 
with daddy can get kinda
stuff11 002.jpg (129103 bytes)
"Why does Uncle Roger
mock me?
stuff11 004.jpg (125519 bytes)
"He THINKS he's funny..."
stuff11 010.jpg (125009 bytes)
"Holy crap there's a
TV up there!!"
Cash watching 
Lacey's bunny video.
Cash's new favorite!

Check her out here:

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